Reader’s Poll 6: Heroine’s Age
What do you consider an optimal age for a historical romance heroine?
- 21-29 (79%, 664 Votes)
- 30-39 (10%, 84 Votes)
- 18-21 (9%, 80 Votes)
- 40-49 (1%, 7 Votes)
- 50-59 (1%, 5 Votes)
- 60 and over (0%, 3 Votes)
Total voters: 843

Actually I think I would to say that the ideal age range would be 25 to 32, but that wasn’t listed as an option.
I find that I like the heroines the best when they are a little older and considered “on the shelf”.
What I always find funny is that the herione’s mother, is sometimes, only around 40, mostly widowed, and already considered too old and dried-up for a romance of her own. I wish more authors would write “second chance” at love books.
if the heroine is 60 and old would the hero be???
Terri’s right. Old enough to be mature and know a bit about life. .
Interesting that you don’t include the 18-21 age range. When I first started reading Regency romances back in the day, practically all the heroines were in that age range, even if the hero was considerably older, such as in Heyer’s These Old Shades. Even with today’s steamier historical romances, I still see a fair number with a young heroine; after all, women were expected to be married well before they turned 21. Since I’m considerably older than that, now, I do prefer them to be a little older and more sure of themselves.
Actually, Janie, there is an 18-21. The poll apparently sorts them according to which is most popular, so it falls 3rd in popularity, which is where it ended up listed. But I agree–it’s more appealing to me to have them a bit older.