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I hesitate to mention any links, because shortly after my last newsletter, that Foods of England site I mentioned apparently went away. I wish I’d known it was going to do so, because I would have copied a few of the recipes. Sigh. This month’s subject is puzzles. I still haven’t put one in a book (that I remember). I can’t call them jigsaw puzzles (the jig saw wasn’t invented until the late Victorian age), but they did exist, cut out with marquetry saws. They were called “dissected maps.” Here’s an image of one. Apparently, puzzles go back to the 1700’s, when they were primarily maps cut along the borders of the countries/counties, etc. You can read all about the history of puzzles on a site called “Bob Armstrong’s Old Jigsaw Puzzles,” so I won’t bore you with it, but so help me, if that link disappears, I’m going to be convinced that my Regency tidbits are a jinx!!