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Bookmarks with Style

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Will and Jane’s Excellent Adventure #47

Current Poll

When do you read holiday romances?

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Previous Poll’s Results

What would entice you to visit an author’s website each month? Click all that apply.

  • News about current or upcoming books and excerpts (29%, 437 Votes)
  • Historical info (Regency tidbits, historical trivia, etc.) (22%, 330 Votes)
  • Contests and book giveaways (21%, 319 Votes)
  • Games, playlists, quizzes, coloring sheets, or other fun sundries (10%, 152 Votes)
  • Videos of book trailers, teasers, and/or author Q&As (10%, 151 Votes)
  • Reader recognition (birthdays, reader of the month, etc.) (5%, 79 Votes)
  • I don’t generally visit author websites. (2%, 29 Votes)

Total voters: 551


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